Friday, April 18, 2014


"I saw this in a movie about a bus that had to SPEED around the city, keeping its SPEED over fifty, and if its SPEED dropped, the bus would explode! I think it was called… THE BUS THAT COULDN'T SLOW DOWN." - Homer Simpson

Classic 1990s thrill-ride about LAPD officer Reeves intentionally boarding a bus that is armed with a bomb that will take effect if its SPEED exceeds 50 MPH and will detonate if its SPEED drops below 50 MPH… or if any passengers get cute and try to disembark the bus. Dennis Hopper is excellent (as always) as the bitter nine-fingered bad guy who is bent on getting compensation for his service as an officer that left him jobless and thumbless, and only rewarded with "a cheap gold watch". Sandra Bullock delivers the perfect amount of wittiness before it crosses the overkill line; and Morton (who also shows up uncredited in the sequel) and Daniels are great in their supporting roles. Surprisingly intense despite the straightforward mindless action and lack of any kind of twists. Perhaps making the SPEED something like 35 MPH instead of 50 would've allowed just the right touch of realism to make this one a true gem, but more is apparently merrier to some. An all-in-all fun film that never slows down (it can't!) and is easy to follow—though no one will seek it out for its depth; even the supporting cast recognizes that Reeves' character lacks any sort of wisdom, with the villain even threatening: "Do not attempt to grow a brain". Followed by a sequel with Bullock as the hero… oh geez…

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