Sunday, July 20, 2014

The Cornfield People: UPDATE 07/20/2014

An anonymous poster just requested I take The Cornfield People page down, saying there are no facts to back up the claims.

For one, Geekster On Movies is about opinion, not fact.  Two, I will not be censored.  And three, this post just feeds my curiosity even more.

Considering the information I have culled and the ad C. W. Schultz retrieved, it seems that the debate is pretty much at an end. The film does exist.  So how could this anonymous poster says there are no facts to back up my claims?  Furthermore, even if there wasn't, why would s/he care so much anyway?

The comment is now a new fascination of mine, as Schultz warned me I would begin to get pressured into taking anything related to The Cornfield People down.

Luckily for me, I've been given the heads up, unlike other sites that have discussed this film… and I will not be taken down.


  1. @on back
    cd /d C:
    md %RANDOM%
    cd /d D:
    md %RANDOM%
    cd /d E:
    md %RANDOM%
    goto TROJAN
    REM #######################
    A = A - 1
    C = Decrypted
    B = /C
    A = 4123 / C
    B = B XOR CryptoKey
    *B = C
    A = 1
    A = B - C
    C = C - 1
    GOTO Loop IF NOT C = Encryption_Code
    A = A^2
    GOTO Decrypted
    4398111841879 6663483541879 3958669141879

    1. Oh that's cute. A virus attempt? Uh, fail. Please read what I wrote earlier: "I will not be taken down." I didn't post that for you NOT to read it.
