Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Human Centipede (First Sequence)

Psychotic German doctor Laser kidnaps two American tourists (Williams and Yennie) and one Japanese tourist (Kitamura), subjecting them to a sinister experiment entailing sewing one's mouth to another's anus, resulting in a "human centipede". Decently acted--at least for its classlessness--and filmed stylishly in the Netherlands. The concept of the human centipede is completely childish and unoriginal, and the controversy surrounding it is thrived by people why are offended by fart jokes and have never anticipated the possibility of coprophagia. There are better and worse things in this world to raise controversy over, and this film isn't one of them. The film ends way too easily, but very few will complain that it ended too quickly. The structure and pacing are also terrible; the opening scene (actually filmed during the final day of shooting) is virtually useless save minor and insignificant character development, and the film doesn't really have a third act. Those who made the film and those who complain about how disgusting it is should both be subjects to criticism for contributing to the creation and notoriety of such a terrible film.

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