Johnny Utah (Reeves) is an ambitious young federal agent who must go undercover as a surfer to infiltrate slick bank robbers known as the Ex-Presidents. While undercover, he befriends Petty and Swayze, both of whom know the local surfing scene and might be able to help network him to the robbers, but this becomes a conflict in and of itself when he falls in love with the former and establishes a fond respect for the latter, neither of which will approve his true identity of being a fed. Reeves and Busey cause so much destruction trying to catch the bad guys, yet we never see them filling out reports or any other paperwork. According to this movie, people can have conversations while skydiving! Hmm. Despite the constant suspension of disbelief required to actually buy into the movie's nonsense, POINT BREAK has an undeniable charm that make you allow (and even embrace) the obvious imperfections. Maybe it's the chemistry of the cast; maybe it's the fact that it's a non-stop roller-coaster ride; maybe it's the sunny-beach action-packed vibe that gives off this unique mixture of relaxation and testosterone. Whatever it is, it works.
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