1980's adventure classic that brings pirate legend into 20th century Astoria, OR. A group of preteens stumble upon clues of a lost treasure nearby and decide to go on one last adventure before their homes are torn down to help expand a country club. Nostalgic but also timeless, offering enough originality to make it memorable while also sticking fairly close to the typical treasure hunt adventure. The character development gives off the feeling like there were so many adventures before and so many more to come… but, behold, only one movie was ever made. Ramsey is always a terrific villainess, while Davi and Pantoliano have the right/intentionally-wrong chemistry as her two convict sons who are more interested in bickering and fighting for their mother's love than following the trail of the Goonies. Then we have the side-story of Chunk (Cohen) and Sloth (Matuszak), a duo that is worthy enough to have their own spin-off. Cyndi Lauper's song is also very fitting.
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